Whether you’re celebrating employee birthdays or planning a company-wide holiday event, office gifts are the perfect way to celebrate. They’re a thoughtful way to show appreciation and honor the milestones in your team members’ lives. Choosing office gifts requires careful thought—your goal should be to select an item that’s useful and appealing to a broad range of employees.

1. Branded items

Products printed with your company logo make classic office gifts. Customize the item selection to suit the budget or occasion—branded coffee mugs make great casual gifts, while an embroidered jacket is a meaningful way to celebrate major accomplishments.

Other branded items to consider include:

  • Laptop bag
  • Hoodie
  • Socks
  • Gym bag
  • Travel pillows

As you consider items, remember quality is key; employees are more likely to use items that are well-made.

2. Trendy water bottle

Look closely and you’ll see many of your team members carry a drink everywhere they go. Hydration is in, and you can never have too many water bottles. To create a truly buzz-worthy gift, invest in a high-quality brand.

3. Outdoor gear

Outdoor gear makes a fantastic gift, especially when it’s an item that’s useful in a variety of situations. Consider versatile items that employees can break out for picnics, beach days, barbecues, and camping trips—coolers and camping chairs are both great options.

4. Tech devices

Help your employees manage the technology that’s embedded into their lives with tech-related gifts. Keep in mind that everyone uses different brands; the most useful items are compatible with a range of devices.

Consider options including:

  • Portable power banks
  • Charging stations
  • Travel-size USB hubs

5. Blankets

Workplaces can get cold, especially when the air conditioning kicks into high gear. Hand out blankets as office gifts and everyone will have an extra layer on hand. Employees can use the blankets to make their workspaces cozier or take them home to use while watching TV.

6. Office workout devices

Help your employees stay healthy by giving them office-friendly workout gear. If the budget allows, invest in standing desks that allow workers to shift their working stance with the push of a button. Alternatively, give them the option to choose equipment such as:

  • Under-desk cycle
  • Walking pad
  • Exercise balls

7. Gift cards

Gift cards are a flexible gift for teams with highly varied interests. If the group is small enough—and you know each person well—you can buy gift certificates to specific stores or businesses. Another option more suitable for larger groups is to choose companies or services everyone uses. If you want to give office gifts that are more indulgent than practical, opt for a popular local restaurant or spa.

8. Novelty awards

If you’re looking to make the most of a limited budget, consider handing out novelty awards. Come up with a unique award for each employee, working with team leaders and managers if necessary. Each award should be positive so workers come away feeling appreciated and understood.

You might use awards to:

  • Highlight employees’ unique strengths
  • Reference ongoing office jokes
  • Praise specific accomplishments

9. Meal-delivery credits

Give your employees a special treat by providing each with a credit for a meal-delivery service such as Grubhub. Encourage them to use the credits whenever they like—they might order lunch to the office from their favorite restaurant or enjoy a delicious delivery dinner at home after a long day of meetings. It’s a thoughtful gift everyone can use, whether they work remotely or in the building.
Grubhub Corporate Accounts makes the process quick and easy; simply assign a budget to each employee within the platform and adjust the rules to allow maximum ordering flexibility. All employees have to do is log in and pick a meal, and you’ll only pay for the food that is actually ordered. Interested in learning more about Grubhub Corporate Accounts?