Food is a popular corporate perk that can boost job satisfaction, promote group bonding, and increase productivity. Whether you’re hosting regular team lunches or dishing out food-delivery credits, a streamlined approach makes it easier to manage expensed meals. With the right tools, you can create an effortless experience for both employees and the accounting department.

1. Understand the benefits of providing food at work

The first step to a successful expensed-meals program is to make sure everyone in your company—particularly people at the leadership level—understands the practical benefits. When companies provide food at work, it may lead to an increase in:

  • Employee engagement and satisfaction. Office meals are an opportunity for workers to socialize, which can build a stronger sense of inclusion and belonging. Employees who have strong social bonds with their colleagues and company are more likely to be happy and engaged at work.
  • Productivity. A shared meal encourages employees to step away from work, eat nourishing food, and spend time relaxing. Studies show that workers demonstrate higher energy and stronger performance after taking breaks.
  • Employee retention. If you’re looking to retain your top workers or recruit younger employees, food should be a part of your game plan. A Global Eating at Work Survey found that 81% of Gen Z and millennial workers are interested in employers that provide free or subsidized meals.
    With enthusiastic buy-in from decision-makers, you’ll have an easier time allocating funds and encouraging participation.

2. Identify types of expensed meals

Your company can provide meals for a variety of reasons and occasions:

  • Celebrations. A company-subsidized meal is a welcome addition to any celebration. Whether you’re ordering catering for a team-wide meeting or surprising employees with a free meal after a product launch, food can boost morale. It’s an effective way to appreciate and recognize workers.
  • Client meetings. Food elevates a client meeting, making it feel like a special occasion. Depending on the stage of the relationship, you might take clients out to lunch or provide finger foods in the conference room.
  • Team meetings. During a long meeting or an intense brainstorming session, food can sustain employees and give everyone the energy to keep going. A meal can also promote bonding, which increases cooperation, collegiality, and cooperation.
  • Corporate perks. You don’t always need an occasion to provide an expensed meal—many companies opt to include food as a perk. And unlike many perks, it’s something every employee can enjoy.

3. Account for practicalities

Successful corporate meals require careful attention to detail. As you plan, consider practical factors such as:

  • Dietary restrictions. Survey your employees and you’ll likely find many of them have one or more dietary limitations. From food allergies to personal preferences, these restrictions impact the food you serve.
  • Dispersed teams. According to MIT Sloan, up to 50% of Americans work remotely at least part of the time. Whenever possible, it’s important to find ways to include them in your expensed meals.
  • Varying schedules. Examine your operations to determine how employee schedules will impact meals at work. If team members have staggered lunch breaks, a hot buffet enables everyone to enjoy fresh food at their convenience. For companies with a traditional 9-to-5 shift, it’s easier to provide group meals for individual teams or the entire workforce.
  • Food waste. One of the most effective ways to reduce wasted food is to order individual meals for employees, where staff can select and order their preferred meal.
  • Budget. Sticking to your budget is an essential part of a sustainable expensed-meals program. Tracking the return on investment in terms of engagement, employee satisfaction, participation, and retention can help you determine whether a budget increase is warranted down the line.

4. Find a streamlined ordering solution

The right corporate ordering solution makes a difference when it comes to planning, ordering, and paying for expensed meals. With Grubhub Corporate Accounts, for example, you’ll get access to a wide range of features and tools that deliver the best possible experience for both employees and company administrators:

  • The most ways to order
  • Flexible delivery scheduling
  • Variety of restaurants
  • Easy invoicing
  • Budgets and rules

If you’re interested in a streamlined, cost-effective ordering platform for your expensed meals at work, get started with Grubhub Corporate Accounts.